Statement from the DDCA Chairman

I am sure the people of Dover Deal and the Villages were disappointed to learn of the defection of our MP Natalie Elphicke.  This whole event, no matter how surprising, represents a most unusual, if not unique, process of becoming a socialist MP and comes at a strange time, when the economy has started to expand and inflation is being controlled.  Now Natalie has to support Labour’s amnesty on Illegal Immigrants and open borders which has been directly opposite to her own previously expressed views.

We are currently going through the process of selecting a new candidate for the General Election.   Once we have a definite list in place we can move quickly.  The Executive Council will choose a short list and the final candidate will be chosen by the members at an Extraordinary General Meeting.  I am confident we will have an excellent candidate worthy of your support and capable of winning.  Don’t write us off – in Theresa May’s snap election in 2017 an unbelievable number of Conservative MPs lost their seats.  Here in Dover, we increased our majority.  Don’t judge us by the rest of the country.

I am not suggesting this will be easy and I am putting you on notice I shall need your help in our new campaign. This really is the time to come to the aid of your candidate and party.  The more supporters we get the lighter the load becomes for everyone.

I shall have more to say about this shortly.  In the meantime, I thank you for your continued support, thank you for reading and I shall keep you informed.

Keith Single
Chairman of Dover & Deal Conservative Association

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